Tuesday, February 23, 2010

UCSD Senate Task force on Budget Transparency

UCSD Academic Senate – San Diego Division

A Resolution Co-sponsored and Presented by Douglas Bartlett (Chair, SIO), Samuel Buss (Chair, Mathematics), Clark Gibson (Chair, Political Science), Josh Kohn (Chair, Ecology, Behavior & Evolution), John Marino (Chair, History), Keith Marzullo (Chair, Computer Science and Engineering), and Nicholas Spitzer (Vice-Chair, Neurobiology) To the Representative Assembly, San Diego Division, Academic Senate
February 23, 2010

Whereas, the current UC budget crisis calls for unprecedented and difficult decisions both from the campus as a whole and from each department,

Whereas, these decisions cannot be responsibly carried out without proper knowledge and understanding of UCSD’s budget,

Whereas, insofar as the Senate-Administration Task Force on Budget determined that an “increased budget transparency of all Vice Chancellor Areas” is needed.

Let be it resolved, that the Academic Senate, San Diego Division, establish by March 15, 2010, a Senate Task Force on Budget Transparency whose charge is to work with the administration to determine

• the format in which the complete UCSD budget should be presented quarterly to the Academic Senate San Diego Division,

• the nature and the detail of budget data it should contain, and

• relevant safeguards to ensure data quality and full disclosure.

Be it further resolved, that the UCSD Senate Council will appoint to the Senate Task Force on Budget Transparency, in consultation with department chairs and with relevant Academic Senate Committees, members from each academic division at least one of whom is knowledgeable in budget and accounting procedures, the current or a former chair of the UCSD Senate Planning and Budget Committee, and two current or former UCSD administrators with relevant expertise.

Be it further resolved, that the Senate Task Force on Budget Transparency will submit an initial report at the Representative Assembly meeting on April 27, 2010.

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