Friday, February 12, 2010

Berkeley Seminar on UC Finances

Announcing a Faculty Seminar on UC’s Financial Future

on the Berkeley Campus, Spring 2010

Initial organizing by Professors Stanley Klein (Optometry), Alan Schoenfeld (Education), Charles Schwartz (Physics)

You are invited to attend this open seminar and to participate in shaping its agenda. A first announcement was made at the Academic Senate’s February 2 meeting - on the topic of the campus budget - and it received encouraging responses.

→ First meeting: Tuesday, February 16, 5-7 pm ←
Minor Hall room 489 (just West of Haas School of Business)

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There are a host of issues that are receiving faculty scrutiny as never before (e.g. the finances of the football stadium, and the University's system for keeping tack of its debts), and also many issues that could help make the case for UCB as a public University (e.g., quantifying the economic contributions made by faculty and alumni and otherwise demonstrating our contributions to the state, and pursuing alternatives to massive tuition hikes). We propose a faculty seminar that would tie into and expand on some of the current efforts. The specific agenda for the seminar would be developed by those who participate, but the basic questions would center around understanding and gathering information about issues critical to the survival of UC, and Berkeley in particular, as the world's greatest public university. We're inviting you to join us.
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If you are interested in pursuing these issues, please send an email to: - Subject: Faculty Seminar

and include any suggestions you have for particular topics.

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