Saturday, August 8, 2009

Irvine Division of Senate Letter on Furloughs

Mary Croughan, Chair, Academic Council
1111 Franklin Street, 12th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607-5200

RE: Furlough Plan Implementation

At an emergency meeting of July 28, 2009, the Irvine Division Academic Senate Cabinet considered different options for the furlough plan for 2009-2010. The UC Santa Cruz implementation calendar furlough plan was considered at the recommendation of a group of 74 UCI faculty who signed a petition. A majority of the Cabinet felt that the plan makes the consequences of the budget cuts and furloughs visible to the public, the Legislature, and the Regents while at the same time limiting the negative impact on instruction.

A large majority of Cabinet members were in favor of 11 common furlough days as closure for the entire campus. The Cabinet further voted to endorse the UC Santa Cruz furlough plan for 10 of these 11 days.

The Cabinet recommended assigning common instructional furloughs and campus closures on the following days for the 2009-2010 academic year.
Fall quarter
  • September 2
  • November 23,24,25 (Thanksgiving Week)
Winter quarter
  • January 4, 5 (delay start of winter quarter)
  • February 12
Spring quarter
  • March 29, 30 (delay start of spring quarter)
  • May 28
The Irvine Division appreciates the opportunity to comment.

Jutta Heckhausen, Senate Chair

C: Martha Kendall Winnacker, Executive Director, Academic Senate

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