Defend the University!
We call on Chancellor Yang to represent the entire campus and the community at the upcoming Regents’ meeting.
We want you to speak for the campus on these 4 matter:
1) No decision regarding cuts or furloughs at the July meeting—a moratorium on any major financial decisions.
2) No emergency powers for President Yudof—resist any move to declare an emergency or increase his powers.
3) Represent the interests of every constituency: students, non-unionized staff, unionized staff, lecturers, researchers, faculty and administrators.
4) Demand that the UCOP and the Regents begin an open and transparent process with the goal of defending not defunding the university.
Nelson Lichtenstein, History
Edward Woolfold, AFSCME
Rodney Orr, UPTE-CWA
Alice O’Connor, History
Lisa Parks, Film and Media Studies
Bob Samuels, UCAFT
Kathy Murray, non-unionized staff
Cindy Cortez, CUE
Reyes Cardenas, AFSCME
Aaron Jones, Associated Students
Vanessa Moore, Black Studies
Alberto Sepulveda, groundskeeper
Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval, Chicano Studies
Lisa Hajjar, Law and Society
Howie Winant, Sociology
Esther Lezra, Global Studies
Jennifer Holt, Film and Media
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